Shop and Establishment Registration in Haryana


Since the Shop and Establishment Act is a State-specific law, each state has its own interpretation of its terms and applicability. The Punjab Shop & Commercial Establishments Act, 1958, which is applicable to Haryana State, is another shop and establishment law. As Haryana was still a part of Punjab at the time and not an independent State, the Punjab government published it. The Punjab Shop & Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 was adopted by Haryana State on November 1, 1966, the day it was established.

The Punjab Shop & Commercial Establishments Rules, 1958 were also put into effect by the Haryana Government.

Haryana State as a whole is governed under the Punjab Shop & Commercial Establishments Act, of 1958. The number of employees that qualify for application is not constrained. In other words, all shops and commercial establishments—aside from those that are exempt—need to complete a Shop and Establishment Registration within 30 days after hiring staff.


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